Hey, ⚠ I’m looking for a full-time position (ML/AI) starting in April/May 2025. A brief bio is ↓.

\(\rightarrow\) Some CUDA/C++ learning notes:

\(\rightarrow\) Random C++:

\(\rightarrow\) Technical

\(\rightarrow\) LLMs

\(\rightarrow\) Math:

Some GitHub repos:

  • Training ML models with CUDA/C++: \(\rightarrow\) Github link.
  • GPT2 factorized with (multiple) Kronecker Factors: \(\rightarrow\) Github link.
  • Backpropagation from scratch \(\rightarrow\) Github link.
  • Randomized Algorithms \(\rightarrow\) Github link.
  • Reinforcement Learning \(\rightarrow\) Github link.


I’m based in Passau, Germany. I’m a part-time ML research assistant @Uni Passau, working on LLMs. I graduated with a master’s degree in software engineering in 2019. “On the side”, I’m also pursuing a second Master’s degree in Computational Math.